
22 December 2010

The First Post Post

This isn't really my first post. I've had a number of other blogs in the past, most notably with LiveJournal - not notable in the sense that anyone actually took note, just notable in that i was most prolific there. I have also used Vox and created my own Wordpress powered Football-(soccer for my American chums of which i have none)-themed blog that got spammed up good and proper and was quickly confined to the giant internet recycle bin.

So why start this blog now? I really don't know. I'm currently working on redesigning the website for the company i work at and as part of that i was researching blogging tools that i could integrate into the new site and stumbled into here. The allure of something i could sign in to with my existing Google ID was just a little too much to ignore. All in the name of work-related research though i must add.

This does seem like a ridiculous time to embark on a brand new blogging project though; shortly before Christmas, when enforced family merriment is thrust upon us and there just isn't enough time to be frittering it away reading/writing online. I couldn't even leave it until the New Year when i could dress it up as some kind of "resolution" to document my own existence for the whole of 2011 and beyond. That's just poor planning.

There's no particular reason for anyone to be interested in anything i have to say, but i will tell you this: I think i can be quite funny, and my life has recently taken a turn for the more-interesting after some significant emotional and physical upheaval i was brave enough to instigate myself... sort of. Who wouldn't be enthralled by that?

So, stay tuned kids, this could get interesting. Either that, or it could get left untouched until the next time i stumble into Blogger on the internet.


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