
22 February 2011

Things that Are Happening

I'm too lazy to go back and read my earlier posts to know for sure but i suspect i might have started this blog with some statement like - "i want to document what is likely to be an interesting period of my life" - which is all fine and dandy in principal. In practise though, recent events in my life have meant i just haven't had much time to write a blog.

"Excuses, excuses" i hear you say... but wait! I really am busy. In summary, my life over the past few months has included...

Relationship breakup, new relationship, move back to parents', living out of a bag to avoid staying at parents', organising selling a house, splitting possessions, promotion at work, booking/planning the most expensive adventurous holiday i've ever had, renting a flat, furnishing a flat... oh and generally getting a life.

You see! That's busy, and hard! I really do want to write a successful blog though, but i just never seem to be inspired to write about anything but me and my life and largely, i reckon people just aren't interested so i just get frustrated at my inevitable lack of readership and give up. Oh yeah, i really am i that needy...

Anyway, despite all my proclamations of being uber-busy, i did knock up this natty little blog design the other day while avoiding doing something boring at work the other day. Who knows if i'll ever use it but it felt a worthwhile design exercise seeing as i have nothing creative to do at work right now.


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